Consulting and Diagnosis Business
SP&G identifies the usage and loss factors of target energy facilities through its energy diagnosis business,
offering a technology consulting service that suggests economically feasible and reasonable ways to increase energy efficiencies.
offering a technology consulting service that suggests economically feasible and reasonable ways to increase energy efficiencies.
Diagnostic Effects
Management aspects
- Improved competitiveness of companies according to the reduced burden for energy costs
- Inspiration of company-wide mindset for saving energy
- Proposition of reasonable energy use models
- Reduced energy consumption rate through investment in reduction and motivation
Facility and technology aspects
- Prevention of energy loss through optimized facility operation
- Improved basic unit of energy and reduced environmental burden
- Stabilization of production and support facilities through the formation of optimized energy models
Diagnostic Procedure
Identification of energy usage status and process
- Preliminary diagnosis on consulting suitability and schedule negotiations
Selection of target facilities and processes
- Investigation of energy usage and facility data, interview with managers
Confirmation of usage through on-site diagnosis
- On-site measurements using diagnostic equipment, facility performance testing, and operation efficiency diagnosis
Discovery and analysis of energy waste factors
- Identification of energy losses, analysis of cause, and interview with hands-on energy managers
Preparation of improvement
measures - Review of improvement measures for each waste factor, economic analysis on facility investment
Guidance on
maintenance - Education on energy saving, explanation of consulting outcomes