Energy Management System(EnMS)

EnMS is an energy management system that links business management and energy management aspects of companies for the purpose
of efficiently improving energy-saving and use. This organized system can save costs and increase energy efficiencies, forming a company-wide
consensus for energy-saving and allowing for efficient management of energy.
공장에너지 최적화 경영시스템

Creation of cost leadership through scientific energy reduction
/ efficiency improvement

DCF TREX CO., Ltd. Construction screen.


①Information about target-performance and energy use


②Analysis on usage (weekly, monthly, yearly)


③Target management and establishment of reduction plans


④Real-time data analysis


⑤Inquiry into and analysis of basic unit


⑥Output of the statement of details

Application Effects

Energy management for major facilities

  • Preparation of framework for systematic monitoring, measurement data reliability management, and record management
  • Continual facility management through the PDCA cycle of EnMS
  • Mounted with intelligent multi-control functions

Implementation of target management system and emissions trading system

  • Establishment of reasonable corporate goals and formation of the groundwork for energy performance MRV
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through reduction of energy usage of major processes and facilities

Increased Energy Security Capability

  • Improvement of company-wide awareness
  • Stabilization of energy expenses through internal energy activities
  • Reinforcement of prior response to external pressure on energy efficiency

Principle of saving money.

절감원리 절감원리
절감원리 절감원리

Energy reduced by 9.39% (13,740 TOE) in 2014 at Ochang Plant of LG Chem
-Results of EnMS performance evaluation on Korea Energy Agency-